Sunday, February 28, 2010
Great week with chef Jacqueline Vandenabeele

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mediterranean Dolmas
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Egg-less Egg Salad
70 Green Smoothies

Here are 70 green smoothie recipes Remember to use pure water and organic produce for maximum results. You may like to add more or less water to the recipes depending on how thick or thin you like your smoothies. Feel free to experiment and create your own recipes. The most important thing to add to your smoothies is 2-4 large handfuls of dark, leafy green vegetables.

Recipe #1
2-3 cups of greens of your choice,
2 cups papaya,
2 oranges
No water necessary
Recipe #2
1 handful lettuce leaves
1 handful mint
3 bananas
2 cups water
Recipe #3
4-5 kale leaves
3 apples
1/2 lemon juiced
2 cups of water
Recipe #4
3-4 stalks celery
2 ripe persimmons
1 banana
1 -2 cups water
Recipe #5
1/2 head romaine lettuce,
1 cup pineapple,
1 large mango,
1-inch fresh ginger
Recipe #6
2 -3 cups of your favorite grapes
1 handful parsley
2 handfuls of baby Spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #7
1 cup pineapple
1 banana
2 sticks of celery
1 handful of your favourite leafy greens
Recipe #8
1/2 avocado
1/2 capsicum
one small onion
2 cloves garlic
one chilli
2 handfuls black cabbage
2 cups water
Recipe #9
3 bananas
a cup of papaya
4 big handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #10
2 bananas
1 apple
1 pear
2 handfuls of parsley
2 big handfuls of kale
2 cups of water
Recipe #11
1 large dragon fruit
2 bananas
1 handful of parsley
1 small bunch of bok choy
2 cups of water
Recipe #12
3 bananas
3 huge handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #13
2 bananas
1 dragon fruit
2 huge handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #14
2 bananas
1 apple
1 pear
2 handfuls of parsley
2 big handfuls of kale
2 cups of water
Recipe #15
1 large dragon fruit
2 bananas
1 handful of parsley
1 small bunch of bok choy
2 cups of water
Recipe #16
4 large ripe bananas
2 large handfuls of kale
1 small handful of parsley
1 handful of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #17
1 apple
1 pear
2 bananas
1 1/2 cups of kale
1 stalk of celery
2 cups of water
Recipe #18
2 cups of papaya
1 banana
2 cups of leafy greens of your choice
2 cups of water
Recipe #19
3 cups of mango
1/2 medium sized romaine lettuce
1 cup of water
Recipe #20
1/2 pint rasberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 pint blueberries
2 bananas
3 big handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #21
1 apple
1 peach
1 nectarine
1 carrot
1/4 avocado
1 lemon (without peel or seeds)
Then filled the blender (Vita mix) with
romaine lettuce
1 cup of water
Recipe #22
Handful each of
1 celery stick
1 banana.
2 cups water
Recipe #23
1 cup papaya
1 orange
1/2 head romaine
1 big lovely bunch of red grapes.
two stalks of celery
2 cups water
Recipe #24
1 bunch coriander,
1 apple,
1 banana
1 cup water
Recipe #25
2 handfuls baby spinach,
1 celery stick,
1 handful parsley,
1 Granny Smith apple
1/4 tsp ginger powder
2 cups water
Recipe #26
3 handfuls baby spinach
2 celery stalks & leaves,
1 cup water,
1 green apple,
1 frozen lady finger banana
a quarter of fresh pineapple
Recipe #27
2 handfuls of carrot tops
2 stalks of celery
1 handful of sunflower sprouts
3 big red lettuce leafs
1 serving of aloe vera dried gel (from "Good Cause Wellness")
3 bananas
2 cups water
Recipe #28
2 handfuls of baby spinach
2 kale leaves
1 serving of aloe vera dried gel
1 Granny Smith apple
2 oranges
1 cup of water
Recipe #29
3 big green lettuce leaves
1 handful of sunflower sprouts
2 handfuls of baby spinach
1 serving of aloe vera
6-7 big strawberries
1 handful of blueberries
1 cup of water
Recipe #30
2 bananas
6-7 strawberries
1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera
half a Cos lettuce
1 cup water
Recipe #31
4 large ripe bananas,
2 large handfuls of kale,
1 small handful of parsley,
1 handful of baby spinach and
2 cups of water
Recipe #32
1 apple
1 pear
2 bananas
1 1/2 cups of kale
1 stalk of celery
2 cups of water
Recipe #33
2 cups of papaya
1 banana
2 cups of leafy greens of your choice
2 cups of water
Recipe #34
3 cups of mango
1/2 medium sized romaine lettuce
1 cup of water
Recipe #35
1/2 pint rasberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 pint blueberries
2 bananas
3 big handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #36
3 bananas
3 huge handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water.
Recipe #37
2 bananas
1 dragon fruit
2 huge handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water.
Recipe #38
1 handfuldandelion greens
1 handful parsley,
1 handful spinach,
1 banana,
1 orange
1 cup frozen raspberries
Recipe #39
lots of kale
juice from several lemonades (or lemons if unavaiable)
1" square or ginger, finely choppped
big dollop of honey
generous slosh of sugar cane juice
1-3 tsp of coconut oil
bit of water
Recipe #40
3 bananas
1 cup of papaya,
4 big handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water
Recipe #41
1 cup spinach,
1/2 inch ginger,
1 lemon,
1 cucumber,
2 celery
2 pears
1 cup water
Recipe #42
1/2 avocado
1/2 capsicum
one small onion
2 cloves garlic
one chilli
2 handfuls black cabbage
2 cups water
Recipe #43
Half a head of green leaf lettuce
2 bananas
juice from 2 tangelos
1/2 a bag of frozen mangos
1 pear
1 cup of water
Recipe #44
1 banana
Handful of Strawberries
Large Handful of Spinach
Dab of Water
Recipe #45
3-4 celery sticks
50 cent piece of grated ginger
1-2 apple or banana or pear (varied to what felt right that day)
2 cups water
Recipe #46
1/2 cos lettuce,
1 apple
1 banana
1 cup dandelion greens
1 celery stick
1tablespoon of soaked chia seeds
Recipe #47
1 lime
1 celery stick
1 cucumber
1 apple
1/2 gingerginger
1 garlic clove
spinach or mushroom plant
fenegreek sprouts
Recipe #48
4 very ripe persimmons
1 stalk of celery
1 handful of baby spinach
1 hand ful of dill
2 cups of water
Recipe #49
1 Large Pear
1" ginger
4 leaves of Romaine
1/2 a frozen banana
Recipe #50
1/2 banana
1/2 pear
juice of half an orange
about a cup of parlsey
Recipe #51
2 large handfuls of spinach (organic)
2 large handfuls of mixed baby greens (organic)
.5 cup alfalfa sprouts
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp flax seeds
2 slices of whole pineapple
1 small banana
1 cup water
Recipe #52
2 bananas,
2 cups spinach,
a stalk of celery and
2 cups of water
Recipe #53
spinach--4 or 5 fists full
cucumber--1 big or 2 small
(frozen) green grapes--1 cup
water--1/2c to 1c
Recipe #54
3 bananas
1/2 a bunch of fresh dill
2 celery stalks
1/2 bunch of bok choy
2 cups water
Recipe #55
one-half bunch of the following:
red russian kale
5 stalks of celery
1 mango
about 10 strawberry
1 pear
gel of whole aloe vera leaf
a pinch of homeade green powder
1/4 cup water
a few frozen grapes
garnished with
broccoli sprouts and bee pollen
Recipe #56
1 orange,
1/2 head romaine lettuce
1 bunch red grapes
two stalks of celery
Recipe #57
3 handfuls of mixed baby spinach and
celery stalks & leaves,
1 cup water, 1 green apple,
1 frozen lady finger banana
and about a quarter of fresh pineapple
Recipe #58
1 punnet of strawberries,
2 pears
3 small handfuls of baby spinach,
1 bunch of Chinese bok choy and
2 cups of water
Recipe #59
1 handful of spinach (organic)
1 handful of romaine (organic)
1/2 ounce of Mint leaves (organic) or more if you like it really minty
3/4 or 1 pound of strawberries (organic)
1 banana (organic)
1 cup of filtered water
Recipe #60
2 large glasses of water
2 large handfuls of baby spinach
bunch of parsley
little bit of kale
plus 1 tsp flax oil
Recipe #61
1 apple
1 peach
1 nectarine
1 carrot
1/4 avocado
1 lemon (without peel or seeds)
Then filled the blender (Vita mix) with
romaine lettuce
1 cup water
Recipe #62
Handful each of
kale, parsley,
1 cup freshly squeezed pineapple juice,
1 banana.
1 cop water
Recipe #63
2 bananas
3 large spinach leaves
1/2 bunch mint
1 tsp maca
1 tsp soaked chia seeds
1 tsp goji berries (they give the smoothie lovely little pink flecks!)
1 date
1 cup water
Recipe #64
2 bananas
1/2 cup raspberries
1 pear
2 big handfuls baby spinach
1 tsp flax seed oil
1 cup water
Recipe #65
2 cups water
3-4 frozen or fresh bananas
3-4 yellow mangoes
1 cups raspberries
1 cup organic red grapes
5-6 or more kale leafs
some mint leafs
1 cup water
Recipe #66
2 oranges
1 lemon
1 bunch of fresh mint
1 bunch of a mixture of greens; spinach, parsley, kale
stevia to sweeten to taste.
Recipe #67
1 bunch bok choy,
1 banana,
1 pear,
6 strawberries,
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
1 cup water
Recipe #68
Dandelion greens
2 bananas
8 romaine leaves
2 cups ice cold water
1 tablespoon raw cacao nibs
Recipe #69 Blend well:
6 leaves of red leaf lettuce
1/4 bunch of fresh basil
1/2 lime (juiced)
1/2 red onion
2 celery sticks
1/4 avocado
2 cups of water
70#Blend well:
5 kale leaves (green)
1/2 bunch of fresh dill
1/2 lime (juiced)
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes
2 cups of water
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Coconut Wraps
Monday, February 8, 2010
Green Smoothie

Green smoothie
People who have introduced green smoothies in to their diets have reported many health benefits. Raw food eaters in particular have embraced this nutritional powerhouse to boost their already nutritious diet, and to find that missing element to achieving excellent health and vitality.
What are they?
Green smoothies are smoothies with greens blended through them. Quite simple really. Greens are incredibly nutritious, however people struggle to eat enough of them with regard to quantity and many find them hard to digest. It has been suggested that this is due to not having enough stomach acid and not having enough jaw strength to chew them till they are a creamy consistency. Blended greens have their structure ripped apart and are effectively pre-digested. Adding fruit makes them taste great and is also a clever way of getting alot of fruit into your diet, which most people don't have enough of in addition to enough greens.
Below I have Our Daily Green Fuel recipe . Enjoy!!
2 c. filtered or distilled water per person
1 large handful spinach per person
1 leaf kale
1 leaf collard greens
1 leaf Swiss chard (red or green)
3 sprigs curly parsley
1 banana frozen or not frozen add ½ banana per person after the first person
½ apple seeds and peeling
½ pear seeds and peeling
1 fruit of your choice like pitted peach, seeded mango, kiwi, strawberries; berries of your choice just remember if you put dark berries it will change the color of the smoothie, but not the taste. Melons do not go well with the ingredients in this smoothie.
Blend all this in a blender until creamy smooth. This yields about 1 quart. Drink with your breakfast and or lunch but drink as a 3rd meal replacement. If you want to make a 3 day supply that is fine. It will last for 3 days in the fridge. This drink might make you feel tired for the first 3 -5 days as it will detox you. But it will soon start to give you lots of energy
Tools for Raw-Food Preparation
It’s a myth that you need a kitchen stocked with appliances to start eating raw! In the beginning, you’ll probably find that a good chef’s knife and some ingenuity is all it takes. As you move along, though, certain appliances will allow you to enjoy the lifestyle with ease.

Spiral Strands
Curled Julienne Strips
As well as slices and ribbon cuts

Raw Living Foods

By "raw living foods" we mean vegetarian meals that mimic traditional Italian, Mexican, Asian and other cultures dishes...all composed of cleverly formed uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, nut milks, sprouted grains, and herbs.

- Increase Stamina
- Increase Spiritual awareness
- Improve mental focus and clarity
- Uplift and stabilize moods and emotions
- Lower cholesterol
- Maintain longevity
- Reverse "life -threatening"diseases and conditions
- Promote healthy skin and hair growth
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Improve vision
- Revitalize overworked organs
- Create a youthful, glowing complexion.
Welcome to Get Well

I’d like for Get Well!! to be an inspiring place to share and learn about raw foods. My intention is to approach the raw food diet, as everything else in my life, I eat raw because it makes me feel great, and I just LOVE its vibrant intensity.