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We want you to join us!

That's right! We want you to be a part of A Get Well - Raw food! Tip us on awesome events or news; tell us about awesome books, music, or movies, too! Send us your awesome videos or links of ones you've found online! Email us links of your favorite Raw websites or tell us one of your favorite stories! If you send it, we may just put it up!
If you have any other thing that you'd like to share with us and the world about Raw food, let A Get Well - Raw food! know.

How to submit:
Send your material to

If you're sending us a picture audio, or video, please send it as an attachment. Type "Get Well Blog Submission" in the email's subject title.
Rules and Guidelines
Whatever you send to us, be sure that it is appropriate . Here's something else you should keep in mind, whatever you send could be used on the site where it is available to anyone in the world. Don't submit any material containing profanities, rude, racist, or hateful comments. Don't submit any sexy or violent material. If you send us anything containing these things, we won't be accepting anything else from you in the future. You must be 13 years old or older to send us material.

By sending your material, you are giving us right to edit, broadcast, distribute and reuse the submitted material without any fees, perpetually. Only submit to us material that you have made! Get Well Blog assumes that all submitted material does not infringe any copyright whatsoever and cannot be held responsible for the editing, broadcasting, and distributing of submitted content. By sending us material we assume that you are over 13 years old and have your parents permission. We'll credit the owner of the submitted material any time we use it!

Hope to hear from you soon!


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